Saturday, September 12, 2009

Kemmeriboden to Grindelwald- 8/3

Unfortunately it was time to leave the magical spot of Kemmeriboden and head to the "big mountains" of Grindelwald. This was a journey we had been looking forward to the entire trip. Today's route would take us through the towns of Thun and Interlaken. We were hoping to ride by the hotel where our daughter was conceived 22 years ago, but the weather would prove otherwise! At he top of the major climb at Schallenberg Strasse we hit a major rain storm. This was unfortunate because the descent was magnificent all the way to Thun at the edge of the Thunder See. We were beyond soaked after descending at nearly 40 mph. Thank goodness for disc brakes.

We decided enough was enough, and after a short conference with our tandem pals Les and Sue, we headed straight for the train station. Finally shelter and the opportunity to dry out. We weren't there 30 minutes when the "posse" rolled in, wet and cold as well. They were so happy to see us there. After coffee and hot chocolate we had a blast on the hour train ride to Grindelwald. What we thought would be a terrible day turned out to be one of our most fun!

Two wet souls happy to be at the train those new helmet hoods!

On the train, loving life!

The "posse", Mike, "Mr. Short Sleeves" on the left was border line hypothermic but coming back to life quickly

Dr. Bob and yours truly reliving the rainy descent stories coming into town....

The weather in Grindelwald wasn't much better, but cycling a mile to the hotel was a piece of cake!

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